
Course categoryTheology

在本课程中,我们将详细研究四福音书,了解作者、日期、时间、历史、文化事件和每个福音书作者的背景。 我们还将研究每本福音书的相似点和差异以及关键主题。

Exploring the Old Testament: A Beginner's Guide

Course categoryTheology


    • Course Title: BIB1013 - Introduction to the Old Testament
    • Description: This course provides a comprehensive survey of the historical, literary, and cultural context of the Old Testament. Students will explore the main characters, events, and themes within the Old Testament. Additionally, they will gain an understanding of the historical background reflected in these sacred texts. The course covers the composition of Old Testament texts, literary structure, and various approaches to studying the Old Testament. Students will appreciate the significance of Scripture for Ancient Israel and its application in the Christian Church. This course serves as a prerequisite for all other Old Testament classes.
    • Course Objectives:
      • Recognize the content of the Old Testament.
      • Comprehend the historical background reflected in the Old Testament.
      • Understand the history of Old Testament text composition.
      • Identify the literary character and structure within different divisions of the Old Testament.
      • Explore various approaches related to Old Testament study.
      • Appreciate the theological concepts revealed in the Old Testament.
      • Recognize the significance of Scripture for both Ancient Israel and the Christian Church.

Introduction to Missions

Course categoryMissions

In this course, we examine the introduction to the study of missions (called Missiology).  We look at missions from a Biblical perspective first, examining main themes, mandates and key figures in the Old Testament.  Then, we look at missions as it advances in the New Testament.  Finally, we explore missions throughouht history, looking at major events, leaders and movements.  Finnally, we will conduct a missions lab together.